Proper Toothbrush Care
If this topic appears to be another “no brainer” it really is not. Many people do not understand proper care of their toothbrush. Remember, it is an object that enters your mouth daily coming in contact with billions of bacteria not to mention certain instances of contamination by bleeding of the gyms or other conditions.
First of all, never share your toothbrush! There is a huge risk of cross-contamination when this practiced is followed.
Always thoroughly rinse your toothbrush after use and store it brush side up to dry naturally. If a common storage system is used, do not allow the brushes to come in contact with one another.
There are mixed thoughts regarding the storage of toothbrushes in a disinfectant. One school of thought advocates that you can do more harm by storing the toothbrush in the same disinfection repeatedly, thereby creating another possibility of cross-contamination.
Never store your toothbrush in a closed container that can set up a favorable climate for bacteria to form.
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